Top quality fullblood Wagyu Cattle bred in Carinthia

We are breeding cattle with the best possible pedigree and for producing meat of the highest quality on our bio-certified estate "Knierhof" in the village Arriach, Austria

Our stately home „Knierhof“ offers a high quality natural eviroment for the breeding of the most precious thoroughbred Wagyu cattle.

All our cows have impressive pedigrees with strong emphasis on producing meat with fine marbeling.

The genes of the animals, their relaxed natural live and the fact they are fed with biological fooder in addition to the grass of our fields, is the basis why our cows are ideal for upgrading other herds.

Our claim: Appropriate rearing and free-range husbandry

The new buildings of the estate home and stable are of the highest and most modern standard to fulfill all ecological and sustainable prerequisites which was honord with the reward of the „bio-agrigultural certificate“

It is our heartfelt wish to raise our herd in a welfare oriented enviroment. The cows are about 220 days on our meadows and the calf stay with their mother as long as possible. During the winter our cows are accomodated in an open and spacious stable and are fed with hey harvested from our own fields.

With the experience of about 30 years of breading our partner and expert Mr. G. Meinhardt is in charge of the herd. He visits our herd daily to control the live status and well being of the herd.

Concept Wagyu

Our hobby to breed first class fullblood wagyu cattle is basically a romantic idea. Nevertheless needs the estatea future oriented mangement concepts with the objective to at least cover the annual running expenes.

This will be achieved by selling mother cows for breeding. In addition we raise bulls at least three years before they are ready for slauthering to obtain biological meat with a high marbeling grade, which we sell to private consumers.


Our Passion

By refurbishing the almost abandoned farm „Knierhof“ we fulfilled us a dream and created a habitat with newly seeded meadows with well supplied by cristal clear water from our own well complimented by the clean air at 970 meters above sealevel.


Own spring water

Own security guards


Telefon +43 6647877888

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